The Special Interests Behind the Tax


A coalition of unions and special interests paid to get this half-cent sales tax increase on the ballot. 

Learn more about their supposed "citizens' initiative" below ... 

The Regional half-cent sales tax measure is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Special interests (who unsurprisingly will benefit from the subsequent building boom of transit infrastructure) paid professional signature gatherers to collect signatures to get this measure on the ballot. [Of Note: This was their second attempt after their first attempt failed.]


Who's behind the supposed "Citizens' Initiative"? Contract workers, unions, and construction labor are the top funders -- the same people who will benefit from millions in contracts that will be doled out if the new sales tax passes. 


From The Coast News Group (Dec. 2021)


The San Diego Association of Governments' Board of Directors on December 17 approved a controversial community benefits agreement, or project labor agreement, a deal that nearly guarantees union-only for projects stemming from the agency's $162.5 billion regional transportation plan.


Always Follow the Money!


Say 'No', San Diego!

News Article on How the Regional Sales Tax Proposal Came to Be


Transit-oriernted Sales Tax Hike Qualifies for SD County Ballot in November 


News Article on SANDAG's Project Labor Agreement


SANDAG Approves 5-year Project Labor Agreement