Say 'No', San Diego!

Background info:

* Two new local sales taxes


  • Regional half-cent sales tax (for transportation)
  • City of San Diego one-cent sales tax (general fund)


* Two new statewide bond measures

  • Proposition 2 - $10 billion ($500 million/year for 35 years)
  • Proposition 4 - $10 billion ($400 million/year for 40 years)



*  History of poor fiscal responsibility


  • SANDAG has two decades of poor stewardship and transparency
  • City of San Diego funded wants before needs
  • State of California lost billions to waste, fraud, and abuse

*  They don't need more money; they need better decision making & leadership


  • Be honest
  • Be transparent
  • Act like someone worked for the money because ... we did!

Info on Tax-Increase Proposals