Say 'NO' to More Taxes & Debt this November

A coalition of unions and special interests bankrolled efforts to get this half-cent sales tax increase on the ballot.  Learn more about their supposed 'Citizens' Initiative' here ... 

The City of San Diego will fund its own citywide measure to shore up struggling finances. But will the monies really go to where the ballot language implies? Learn more here ...

Two statewide bond measures will further erode affordability in California. Learn more about the two troubling bonds on the November ballot (and why you should say 'NO!) ...

San Diego:  America's Most Expensive City

Most Expensive City

San Diego was ranked the most expensive city in the nation to live in by U.S. News & World Report's 2023-2024 list. 

Read the whole article here. 

High Utility Costs

San Diego has some of the highest utility rates in the nation (power bills like gas & electric predominantly from SDGE, or water bills from various water agencies). Learn more about the high cost of living in 'Paradise' ...

Housing costs are through the roof, and we face some of the highest gas prices in the nation -- two big reasons to tell the politicians "No More! Hands off our wallets!"
Say NO, San Diego!
Learn more here ...

Failed Promises; Wrong Priorities

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. SANDAG already re-directed funds away from listed projects on the existing TransNet tax. Why would we trust them with our money a second time? Learn more here ...

The City of San Diego repeatedly chose to fund wants over needs, throwing money at fluff projects before fixing critical infrastructure. Now, they are coming with their hands out to voters for another money grab ...

California demonstrated poor stewardship of our tax dollars, losing $31 billion to Covid fraud, and billions more into the ether in the state's fight against a decades-long battle on homelessness. Now they want $20 billion more ... and  you to trust them.

Even the Local Taxpayer Watchdog Entity Agrees:

The two local tax proposals are so bad that the San Diego County Taxpayers Assocation (SDCTA) gave a big thumbs down to BOTH:

1) The Regional county-wide half-cent sales tax (Let's Go, SD!),

as well as

2) the City of San Diego's one-cent General Sales Tax Increase

Click the links above to learn more about why the SDCTA wants you to 
Say NO, San Diego - to both of these local tax increase proposals.